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Top 3 Haggling Methods for General Stores

So you just finished buying some handsome armor at the last town. You’re a little short on coin, but that’s no problem since the quest you are on plans to pay handsomely, even with it being divided among your party. Everything seems well and good, until you come across a traveling merchant. They have quite the spread of enchanted items, clothing, wands, scrolls, even some master quality lock picking kits. Many of these items are one of a kind, and since this merchant makes his living as a nomad it’s unlikely you will come across him again. You ask how much for the thieves set, and he throws a price your way that is far beyond what you have on you. So, how do you get your hands on those shiny new lock picks with the little coin you have?

Well, lucky for you, I’m an extremely experienced haggler! Over the years I’ve talked down the price of so many items, even convincing some merchants to gift me their wares! Now, I’m feeling a little generous today, so I’ll let you in on a few of my haggling secrets. Here are the top 3 things you need to know before trying to talk down that price.

  1. Never ask for the price
    Merchants can smell the desire on you, that’s what gives them the power in your situation. The trick is to do everything you can to take that power back so you’re negotiating on your terms. Asking the cost of any item tells the merchant you’re interested, so that immediately increases the price.
  2. Everything is negotiable
    Even if they have indicated the price with a sign or verbally offer up the information, you need to know it’s not set in stone. Absolutely everything can be talked down. Any indication of a price before negotiation only sets a starting point for you.
  3. Be ready to walk away
    Remember, the trick is to have as much power as possible in this situation. That means knowing when to walk away. “How does giving up help me?” You may ask. Well, don’t consider it giving up. If you are ready to walk away at a moments notice it tells the merchant that you could care less about what they’re selling. They know that means they have less power, so they will do whatever they can to bring you back, including offering to go lower in their price. My walk away technique has won me many bargaining wars, but be wary that it doesn’t work in every situation. Sometimes the merchant will let you walk away, and neither party leaves the situation satisfied.

That’s all the bargaining tips you get for now, if you’re interested in other helpful adventuring tips and stories check out our blog. Or, if you want to take a look at our merchandise click here to check out our shop. Unfortunately, our business model doesn’t really allow for haggling, but if you sign up for our newsletter you can get a heads up on sales and new product drops.


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