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Important Things to Pack if You’re the Group Healer

Clerics, the linchpin of nearly every adventuring party. If you’re doing your job right, no one will notice. If you do your job wrong, well, there are consequences. That is why it is of the upmost importance to be prepared while on the road with your team. Pack the essentials, and plan for several contingencies. Among these, there are a few items that you must ensure are on your person when you travel, in order to make sure your team is in safe hands.

  1. Potions and Scrolls
    You most likely already have an arsenal of healing magic geared up for your mission, but what if you run out or something inhibits you from using your magic? That’s where potions and scrolls come in. Scrolls for when you run out of your daily spells, and potions to provide to team members in the event you can’t heal them yourself.
  2. Healing Kit
    We’re talking OG healing methods. This is important to have in your back pocket just in case your more magical solutions fail. Double check that you’re healing kit is fully stocked before you leave for your mission, as well. We’re talking bandages, ointments, disinfecting alcohol, anti-venom, thread and needle in case of stitches, ect.
  3. Alchemy supplies
    It’s always great to carry around an alchemy satchel, in case you run out of potions and need to brew up new ones on the road. Keep an eye out for healing herbs and roots while traveling as well, to make sure you are prepared if you need to get to cooking.
  4. Holy Symbol
    Clerics draw their power from a higher power. We don’t judge each other on who their diety is, but as a cleric it is expected to carry around some sort of holy symbol to represent the being that made you a cleric. This can be especially helpful when drawing power to preform your spells, as it can act as a conduit to channel your prayers.
  5. Camping supplies
    A bedroll is essential to any overnight mission. Even if your party takes turns guarding the campsite at night, make sure you get the most amount of sleep. The last thing we want is a cleric with poor reflexes because they’re exhausted from guarding everyone that night.
    By packing these essential items, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way and serve as an invaluable member of the party as the group’s healer.
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