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The Importance of Wand Organization

As wizards, we like to accumulate a hefty storage of magical items. Wands are, of course, no exception. You may have one reserved for healing, one for enhancement magic, and even an ultra rare single use one you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Mixing up your wands could have a detrimental impact, hurting or even killing your comrades. It is of the upmost importance to maintain an organizational system within your satchel.

That being said, it can be so easy to mix up your wands when they fill up your bag of holding. Anything over 5 unique magic wands can lead to confusion and an unfortunate accident. I recommend investing in a base of operations, somewhere you can store your excess treasures and weapons when they are not in use. This way you can customize your inventory to fit your quest.

If you do invest in a home base, I suggest developing a color coded system. Personally, I like to separate each wand by the school of magic, then color code the drawer or stand they are on to correspond to that school. You can also use an alteration spell or potion to change the color of your wand itself, if you find that to be more effective. The easier it is for you to tell apart you wands, the fast you can prepare for a quest and be on your merry way.

Considering multiple wands on your person, I prefer to organize based on battle magic and everything else. I have all my battle ready wands in easy reach, strapped to my thigh or tucked inside my sleeve. My wands that are less time sensitive are tucked away inside my bag of holding, organized by color and labeled with their spell.

It is vitally important to keep your wands organized. I do this so that I don’t accidentally shoot a heal major wounds spell at an enemy, or hit a comrade with magic missile. You also don’t want to waste a Wish spell wand on a small quest or event, so I prefer to keep more rare items at my home base or inside my pocket dimension where only I can access.

Interested in growing your magic wand collection? Check out our constantly growing collection of fantasy wands here.

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Tags: Gregoria

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