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How to Date a Fey

So I recently started dating this gorgeous wood nymph in the woods near our town. Well, at least I’m pretty sure we’re dating. She’s touched my hand, and doesn’t run away when I approach anymore. Plus, I met some of her friends! They’re mostly trees and flowers, but that’s got to mean I’m in the circle right!? Her name is Galatria, and she’s absolutely stunning.

I was reading up on my fey courtship, and chatting with a few casters in town who might better know how to push our relationship forward. Most of them said “Why would you want to date a fey?” Or “seriously? She’s probably going to kill you”. But they don’t know Galatria like I do.

Anyway, apparently there are a ton of fey courtship rituals. First, to even be considered a possible suitor I need to go on an extensive quest specific to their needs. Only problem is… she’s pretty content with her trees and flowers. It seems like she doesn’t want for anything.

If you guys have any tips on how to court a wood nymph, let me know! She so beautiful mates, I’m completely in love and want this to work out so much. She has my heart in her rooty grasp.

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Tags: Janix

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