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The Real Reason Casters Don’t Wear Armor

Most travelers can tell when someone who crosses their path is a master of the mystic arts. It’s a sense that isn’t really talked about, but nearly everyone has it: you can tell when someone is drenched in magical energy. But for rest of the adventurers who may not have honed that sense, it’s the outfit that gives it away. Unlike other classes, wizards and witches are often found wearing elegant robes or garm. But why is that? Most non-magical classes will tell you it’s because traditional armor gets in the way of their casting. While there is some truth to this, there are many other reasons casters opt to not wear traditional armor.

1. The magic sweats
Bending the magical forces around you to your whim takes quite a tole on the body, depending on your experience and training. Castors can only use so many spells each day before they begin risking their physical health. The exertion of casting a spell will manifest in the body, causing quite a bit of stress…and sweat. This “magical sweat” often begins in the heat of battle. It can cover your eyes, make your clothing stick to your body, even make it hard to hold a sword. Imagine having several pounds of thick metal armor on top of that. It’s not practical! Some wizards may opt to wear armor despite this, but they have to work much harder to keep their concentration under those conditions. In most cases, it may increase the likelihood of a spell backfiring on you.

2. Tradition
For centuries wizards have used their clothing to display their standing within the magical community. This is a tradition started by several ancient powerful mages, who would prove their strength by battling without armor. With it being so deeply rooted in our society, it ends up causing quite a bit of gossip when a wizard is found out strutting about in full plate mail. Not only that, but the color can be a way to show other wizards what magic you specialize in.

3. Pockets!
Ever wonder where a wizard keeps all his wands, spell book, coin, and other valuable treasures? You might guess a “bag of holding” eh? Well, that’s a great guess but those are too rare and expensive to for all castors to just have laying around. In fact, each wizard cloak is actually lined with hundreds of magical pockets, allowing the wearer to store as much as his strength will allow without looking too bulky.

4. It just looks cooler
Fashion trends come and go, but a wizard cloak has remained a pinnacle of fashion for centuries. Not only is it good at hiding a beer belly, but when swished about just right you can make quite the dramatic entrance.

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