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3 of the Best Potions to Take on a Long Quest, Number 3 Will Surprise You

So an elderly wizard burst through your front door to recruit you for an epic quest that will decide the fate of the world as you know it. He promises adventure, romance, danger, dragons, even bestows upon you invaluable elven armor. I mean, is there even a world where you refuse?

Now, before you get swept up in the moment, let’s get a little practical. An epic quest, like the one your elderly wizard friend is offering you, will take months to accomplish. That’s assuming you return to your lovely halfling village intact. Before you go searching for the fastest pony your village has to offer, make sure you’re packing everything you might need. The essentials, of course, but more importantly potions.

There is a plethora of potions this world has to offer: invisibility, bull’s strength, intelligence boost, disguise self, ect. The three most important concoctions you must be sure to include in your bag of holding affect health, magic, and stamina.

Health, is an obvious one. You could be minding your business at the camp you set up in the middle of an enchanted forest, when a group of wraiths come a hunting. You may be able to survive the encounter, but likely by the skin of your teeth. The path you’re taking likely won’t pass many healers, so liquid health is invaluable. It’s possible that if  you pass out in the middle of the woods some snobby high elves might happen upon your group and nurture you back to health. It’s highly unlikely to happen, but even if it does you just know they’ll be smug about it.

Stamina is also a clear winner. A long journey like that, especially in enemy territory, is likely to lead to many sleepless nights. Letting your guard down so you can get some rest leaves you open to attacks from trolls, orcs, and malnourished halflings with jewelry obsessions. It’s best to try to avoid being vulnerable on your journey.

Magic. Even if you don’t have spells prepared, and favor a physical weapon, you can still benefit from a magic restoring potion. For one, you can use it to restore energy to an enchanted weapon. Many enchanted weapons work off a certain amount of charges, and only a handful of these weapons will restore energy over time without an outside power source. Even if you don’t regularly use magic, drinking a magic potion will allow the enchanted weapon to pull energy from you, making it last longer. In addition to enchanted items, you never know who you may encounter on your journey. So it’s best to keep an extra bottle of the stuff around in case you find a beaten wizard willing to join your cause and in need of a pick me up.

So there you have it, the three essential portions to bring on a long journey. There are, of course, so many other great potions you could include, use your best judgment when preparing for your epic quest.

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