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Morning Star or Mace? Key Differences Between Our Favorite Ball and Stick Weapons

I was nearly unstoppable as a paladin before retirement. The years of training and experience had transformed me into a weapon wielding, magic honing machine. In my quest to be the best I can be, I trained with nearly every weapon you could think of, including morning stars and maces. These weapons are not to be taken lightly, as they can deliver some serious damage to opponents.

The morning star is a favorite among adventurers aiming to specialize in close combat. Its spikes can penetrate armor with ease, making it a formidable weapon against heavily armored opponents. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of watching your enemy’s armor crumble before your eyes as you deliver a crushing blow.

But as a knight on horseback, I preferred the mace. The weight of the weapon provided significant momentum, allowing me to deliver powerful blows that could crush bones and knock enemies off their feet. Plus, the mace’s blunt force made it effective against unarmored opponents as well, which came in handy in battles where the enemy didn’t have full armor.

One thing to keep in mind when using these weapons is their weight and size. The morning star, with its solid metal construction, can be quite heavy and unwieldy. It takes a lot of strength and practice to swing it effectively. The mace, while lighter, still requires some getting used to in terms of balance and technique.

Despite their differences, both the morning star and mace were highly effective weapons in their time. They were feared by enemies on the battlefield, and for good reason. Even now, as a retired adventurer looking back on my days in battle, I can appreciate the power and strength of these weapons.

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