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Enchanted Items and Where to Find Them

Through my many years of adventuring, I have come across an endless variety of enchanted items. If you aren’t familiar, enchanted items are objects imbued with magical abilities, these effects can range from constant enhances to a certain skill or an activated power that has a limited number of uses. For most adventurers, finding an enchanted item on your quest is an exciting win, and since there are so many factors that come up in the enchanting process, nearly all enchanted items are unique.

Normally, I’ve found that the rarest magical items find their way to me when I’m not actively searching for them. If you want to try your hand at finding one yourself, though, one of the best places to check out would be magical markets and fairs. If you happen to find yourself crossing through a city, or near a city, that is hosting a magical fair then take some time to look around. Most of those types of bazars are full of experienced nomad wizards who either craft their own enchanted items or discover them on their journeys. Be wary of scam artists, however, I’ve known some devilish wizards who will attempt to sell conjured items and pass them along as enchanted. The item will disappear long after the interaction, leaving you with nothing.

If you happen to find yourself deep in an ancient ruin or lost temple on one of your quests, you may be in luck. These ancient sites are quite often filled with powerful magical energies, making them a prime spot for older civilizations to store or craft enchanted items. Be sure to go over each room a couple times, since it’s common for sites like these to have hidden passages or treasure rooms. The more powerful the item the more safeguards will be in place, including traps and guardian golomns.

Enchanted items aren’t only created by skilled wizards or witches, it’s common for more magical beings (Like dragons or some fey) to carry around their own stockpile of magical items. Getting these can be a bit trickier, though, as you either need to slay the being (which may cause a number of political issues in their dimension depending on their status or power) or you need to negotiate with them. Negotiation can come at a high cost, such as your soul or years off your life.

No matter where you find them, enchanted items are a valuable addition to any magical arsenal. They can imbue their wielders with powerful abilities and provide a much-needed boost in difficult situations. So if you are on the lookout for enchanted items, be sure to keep an eye out at magical markets, ancient ruins, and even among the more unusual sources of magic.

While you’re here, why not browse around our shop to see if you can find a treasure of your own. We have a wide variety of fantasy-themed products that expands every month!

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