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How to Start Getting Quests you Actually Care About

So you’re tired of filling up your time with silly fetch quests and escort missions? But those are the only types of quests you seem to be able to find now a days. It just seems like the epic quests, with dragons and princess and forbidden magic doesn’t happen anymore…WRONG.

The quests you want are still out there, it’s just a little harder to find them. More importantly, you aren’t presenting yourself as someone worthy of such a quest. You can have all the strength in the world, but if your reputation is garbage then no one in their right mind would trust you with an epic quest. You want to know the secret to getting your pick of the best quests? Missions you actually care about?

First things first. As I mentioned earlier: Reputation. How the world sees you is vitally important to the types of quests you can find. You can build a little reputation with every small quest you find, in the way you treat the mission bestower. Charm is everything, so if they feel comfortable and safe with you, then they are likely to chat about it with their friends, and recommend you for any other jobs that come up.

You also must be a little picky at the types of quests you accept. Be wary of who is asking you to accomplish this mission. Do they seem a little off to you? Have you heard anything negative about this person? If you deal with criminals and low lives, then you won’t be getting any savior quests. Make sure to ask around at a local tavern about this person, and if you get a sense that they are not to be trusted, then turn tail.

Finally, participate in your local adventuring guild. Connections are everything, and if you form strong bonds with the other adventurers in your area then you may find yourself picking up quests they aren’t suited for. It also doesn’t hurt to rise up in rank so your name can reach more influential people.

Interested in more adventuring tips? Check out the blog that my adventuring party started here, where we share our experiences and helpful advice for fellow fantasy lovers.

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Tags: Janix

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