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Do All Bards Have Rhythm? 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Magical Songs

Bards, those musical wizards of the adventuring world, are known for their ability to inspire and empower those around them through the power of song. They sing about their own heroic deeds and the legendary exploits of other adventurers, imbuing their words and rhythm with magical energy that can bend the world to their will. But did you know that bardic magic is more than just strumming a lute and hitting the right notes? Here are three things you might not have known about bardic magic that will blow your mind!

  1. The Source – Even though each musical note a bard plays is dripping with magical energy, the source is much more complex than just playing a few chords. Bards channel their own charismatic energy into their casting, making them the ultimate one-man-band of magic.
  2. Emotion – Bards use their ability to feel deeply to focus their magic. The more emotional they are, the more successful their casting may be. So next time you hear a bard getting all teary-eyed before a performance, you’ll know it’s not just because they’re a sensitive soul.
  3. Music isn’t Essential – Because of the emotional and spiritual components necessary for bardic magic, they actually don’t need to channel their spells through sound. Some bards will use interpretive dance, miming, acting, or even interpretive mime-dancing to focus their magic. So if you ever see a bard doing a funky chicken dance on stage, don’t be too quick to dismiss it as a weird quirk.

Surprised? Bards are a magnificent magic class, and they may seem simple on the surface, but digging deeper reveals a complex system of magical balance. So next time you’re in the presence of a bard, make sure to give them the respect they deserve. And maybe even ask them to teach you the funky chicken dance, you never know when it might come in handy.

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Tags: Gregoria

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