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How Bard Magic Works

When studying the magical arts, there are several paths a young adventurer may pursue. Most paths utilize the users intelligence or wisdom, but Bardic spells use a different skill: charisma. When a bard casts a spell they harness the power of their charm to call upon other worldly magic. But really, how does this type of magic work?

I’ve come across many bards throughout my adventures, and during those encounters I’ve been able to pinpoint how bard magic really works. To be a successful bard, you must have a strong connection to your emotions. They are powered by empathy and love, ultimately calling forth power from their hearts.

Bardic music and poetry is said to be an attempt to recreate what they believe was the beginning of the universe. According to bardic lore, the gods spoke the world into being, using a harmonious song still humming through the ground we stand on today.

So, can someone who is, say, nihilistic be a bard? In theory, no. To be a bard means to believe in the magic of life and love. They see the world through a sort of rose colored lens, because any other viewpoint wouldn’t allow them to practice their magic. It is for this same reason that a bard normally doesn’t take any side in alignment. To focus too much on rules and ethics would constrict their viewpoints, and to encourage gain through hurting others would acknowledge the darkness in this world. Most bards are neutral in alignment. I’ve never met a lawful good or evil bard, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t out there, they’re just extremely rare.

There you have it, bard magic explained. Clearly certain personality types are more compatible with a bardic lifestyle. Keep singing, keep enchanting, and let the power of bardic magic illuminate your path!

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