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Not All Mind Flayer Are Evil!

You now what mind flayer are right? Octopus faces, normally grey-ish or purple skin? Can rip your perception of reality apart just by making eye contact? Yeah! Those guys. Well, nearly everyone you ask will tell you these creatures are lawful evil, down to the core. Their only goal in life is to accumulate more and more power, and it doesn’t matter who they have to destroy to get it.


That’s right, I just met the sweetest, kindest, cutest mind flayer named Mindy. She lives on the outskirts of our town, in a broken down shack inside a bog. It’s kind of difficult to get to, but I knew I had to try the second I heard her voice echoing around in my head. I’ve been dreaming about her cute pink tentacles for months now. I’ve even started to sleep walk. So funny huh? I just know Mindy is the love of my life, and I can’t wait to “intertwine my mind with hers to become one of her many puppets”. Her words, not mine. Isn’t it cute, she’s already got a pet name for me…”puppet”. So cute.

Anywho, Gregoria seemed very interested to hear about Mindy, in fact she and Balamar are going to meet her now. I guess she didn’t want me to come with because she locked me inside one of our storage rooms with Twern guarding the door. She also tied my legs to a chair…and tied that chair to a desk… with enchanted rope. That’s actually why I’m writing this blog in the first place, not much to do in a storeroom, and time seems to go by so slow when you’re in love. No matter, I’m sure my sweet tentacle-y love will come for me soon.

Who would have thought that out of all the evil, mind controlling monster’s in this world I’d find the one good one. I hope Gregoria likes her, I think they’d get along.

Soo it’s been like at least two days, and my head is starting to clear up. Yeah, Mindy’s definitely dead. I think Gregoria and Balamar took her out. Thank goodness, I can’t believe I let a lawful evil tentacle witch take my emotions for a ride. I really thought Mindy liked me too, the visions of her that were sent to my mind while I was sleeping seemed really cute.

PS: Mindy, I will never forget you.

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Tags: Janix

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