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Proper Weapon Maintenance on the Go

The last thing you want is your favorite morning star to break in the middle of a hectic battle. The truth is, if your weapons are breaking unexpectedly, you’re doing something wrong. During my many adventures, both with and without my good friends here at the shop, I’ve made sure to hold a consistent vigilance and preparedness. That means listening to your equipment, and taking crucial steps to maintain them even when you are no where near a blacksmith.

Over the years I’ve developed a maintenance routine I try to practice on each adventure. Sometimes it could be days before you get a solid rest, so try to fit these steps into your day where ever you can. These tips apply to more than Paladin equipment, as well, so no matter your class you can most likely benefit from this advice.

  1. Keep your equipment clean
    Whether using magic or good o’l fashioned rag it’s important to clean and oil your equipment regularly. Dirty blades lead to rust that can slowly deteriorate the integrity of the weapon. If you have an affinity for magic, you can keep a few cleansing scrolls on your person in case you run out of cleaning supplies. It’s important to keep your equipment in top condition so they don’t fail at a vital moment.
  2. Repair immediately
    In the heat of battle, I find that if I don’t repair my equipment right after a fight I will nearly always forget to. If your nowhere near a blacksmith, keep some repair scrolls on you to fix any chips or dents accrued in battle. Repair kits are also available at most adventuring guild chapters, so stop by to purchase a few to use in a pinch.
  3. Use Protective Covers
    You don’t keep your sword drawn while walking or riding a steed do you? These moments are the perfect times to sheath and cover your equipment to protect them from the elements. You can use standard protective coverings, or implement enchanted cloth to keep your weapons dry and safe. This can be great in case of an ambush as well, as you don’t know when you may be knocked out from a sleeping spell or smoke trap. Most enchanted covers come with a failsafe that allow only their owner to remove them. So if your equipment get’s stolen, you can be assured no one else will wield them.
  4. Protect your equipment when not in use
    Even though I may not be actively adventuring anymore, I still keep a dagger on me just in case anything comes up. The rest of my equipment I keep in a magically sealed, locked, hidden compartments in the backrooms of our shop. The only people who would be skilled enough to break into these safe houses are Gregoria and Janix, and they would have to work together to do it. The worst thing you can do is leave your equipment laying around when you’re resting with your guard down.
  5. Form a relationship with a blacksmith
    It’s preferable that your go-to blacksmith be skilled in magic, to best deal with enchanted equipment. Don’t use just anyone to maintain your weapons, and be willing to spend a little more for quality. I’ve had horrible experiences with blacksmiths in foreign villages who display prices too good to be true. They ruin your equipment and can significantly decrease the lifespan of your weapons.

By following these simple tips, you can help to ensure that your magical weapons are always in top condition, no matter where your travels take you. Whether you are a paladin, a magical warrior, or just an adventurer at heart, keeping your weapons in good repair is an essential part of staying prepared and ready for anything. So, always be careful about your weapons maintenance.

In need of new equipment? Check out our fantasy themed shop here, new items added every month!

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