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My Enchanted Dagger Disappeared! How to Tell if You’re Being Sold a Conjured Item

Ok, so this is more of a public service announcement if anything, but I just want to remind everyone that summoned items are a thing. They are also made entirely of magic, so eventually whether it be a time limit or durability limitation, the conjured item will go away.

With these important considerations in mind, one could, not me of course, but one could theoretically be given or, say steal, an enchanted dagger only to have it disappear after 3 days.

Now, I want to make this clear, since so many of our readers make assumptions about me because I’m a rogue, I don’t steal anymore. We’re all retired, plus we’ve got our nice shop that’s doing quite well, I got no need to steal. But, let’s just theoretically say that last week I pick pocketed a wealthy looking Nobel who kind of deserved it because of how he was talking to miss Gregoria, and also smelled really bad. And, theoretically, lets’ just say that I went to sell that nice looking dagger to a local blacksmith, again because that Nobel deserved it but isn’t stupid so if he saw it in our shop miss Gregoria would be the one in trouble.

AND let’s just say, theoretically, that the blacksmith sent some hired muscle to collect the money he used to purchase said Nobel dagger because it disappeared into a cloud of magical dust within 24 hours of me selling it to him.

But, again not me, this person had already spent the money on some sweet cakes and shared them with his comrades so he didn’t really have any extra money to give the scary muscled men.

Well, in that case, I guess that poor sap would end up hiding in the nearby enchanted forest for a few days until one of his more financially savvy friends would have paid off his debt for him.

ANYWHO, this is the exact situation I’m trying to prevent our young readers to find themselves in. To keep a long story short, just make sure to inspect your items before selling them, since many conjured items look less magical to non-magic users.

Be careful out there everyone! While you’re here, why not check out our inventory? Don’t worry, I promise we don’t sell any conjured items!

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Tags: Janix

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