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Types of Curses and How to Deal with Them

Curses come in many forms, and many times when you’ve realized you are carrying a curse effect it can be scary. Well, to that I say “Knowledge is power!”. Understanding the types of curses and how to manage the effects is the first step of conquering your fears. Below I’ve gone into detail on the types of curses that have affected my party on our travels, and the best way I know of to deal with them.

It can be frustrating when a curse affects your ability to move or attack. Some magic users have gotten crafty with their mobility curses, making you sink slightly on every surface you walk on, or preventing you from turning in a certain direction. Most mobility curses wear off over time or once you’ve traveled a certain distance. If you find it lasting longer than expected you, though, you can use modifying magic to counteract the curse effect. For example, if a curse has slowed your speed significantly, you can use a time modifying spell to make you go faster. Curses that may prevent you from lifting a certain object can be supplemented with the spell mage hand. Even curses that prevent you from turning can be remedied with the use of mirrors. These are tough spells to deal with, so I’d suggest getting creative with your solutions.

These curses affect the way you perceive the world. It could be anything from making every food you eat taste like dirty socks, to preventing you from seeing a certain color or creature. The tough thing about these curses is that they can easily be overlooked. You’ll need some help from your team on this one, since you wouldn’t know anything is off unless you can compare your reality with your comrade’s. A trick I found helpful when going on an adventure you know may have curse casters, is to keep a journal. Every rest your team takes, pull out your journal and answer pre-set questions about your surroundings. Once you are done, you can compare your answers with your team to make sure no one is under the influence of a curse. If you’ve found that someone is experiencing a different reality than the rest of the group, get to work figuring out how the curse was placed and how to break it.

When a curse is activated by a certain action, or proximity to something, then it can be considered a conditional curse. These may as well be called trap curses, since they require a triggering event. For example, if you are forced to kill every creature you engage in combat with, then the triggering event would be the start of combat and the result would be you unable to stop any attack. This can also come in the form of time relevant curses, where you are unable to preform a certain action during a time of day or for a period of time after another action. The best way I’ve found to combat these curses is to know your limits, and try your best to preform within them. Make your team aware of any triggers and the consequences of activating them so they can restrain you if needed.

Skill Dampening
These curses will add negative modifies to your existing skills. You can catch them easily if you find yourself failing at activities that you generally excel at. The best way to combat these effects is to apply a spell that does the opposite, in order to compensate for your decreased stats. It’s for this exact reason I keep several skill modifying potions on me at all times!

Illusionary curses are similar to sensory curses, except instead of you experiencing the effects it’s the world being affected. This can come in the form of you appearing to be a different race or gender. These affects aren’t limited to vision either, it can come in the form of smell and sound as well, making it sound like you are speaking a different language while you hear no change in your own speech. The same trick to survive sensory curses can be applied to these types too. Just make sure to keep a journal and check in with your team routinely.

These curses are very close to illusionary and sensory effects. The main difference is that the effects are experienced by everyone you encounter. You can consider the effect a large bubble, and everyone inside will experience the curse. The bubble will follow the cursed adventurer until banished. These curses can come in the form of weather changes, smells, or even disembodied voices narrating your every move. Most of these curses don’t have any effects that can cause serious damage, and they tend to be on a time since the power to bend reality burns out fairly fast.

The best defense against curses if prevention. You can wear anti curse jewelry or clothing to help protect you and, in some cases, reflect the curse effects back on the caster. Browse our wares here, I can’t say whether or not they’ll protect you from curses, but why not look around anyway?

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