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How to Prevent a Plate Mail Rash

Through my many years traveling with Janix and Twern, I’ve found myself being the target of many monster hordes (I’m often used as a distraction due to my hearty nature and quality armor). Despite my many scuffles, exhaustive travels, and exposure to all types of environments, I’ve been able to maneuver quite well in my heavy armor.

“Is it magic armor?” I’ve been asked.

And to that I laugh heartily and say “no!”

My armor was handed down to me by my mentor, senior captain Charles of the castle guard, when he was struck down during a dragon raid. I was only six at the time, but I vowed I would work hard to become the man he would have respected, someone who was worthy enough to wear such exquisite armor. So in a way, it is magical because of its sentimental value to me.

But, with it being so old and heavy, I’ve heard many questions regarding armor rashes. It’s very common for swordsmen wearing heavy armor to experience a rash or two. It’s normal when the metal rubs against exposed sections of skin, and when your maneuvering as much as I do. Well, I have a few tips for new paladins on how to prevent such uncomfortable rashes on your next excursion. If you follow these tips, you should be nice and comfortable fighting dragons, maneuvering through traps, or even trudging through waist deep swamp sludge.

  1. Clean your armor
    Keeping your armor clean and dry prevents irritants from getting close to your skin. I like to polish it at the end of each day, even if I hadn’t done anything especially compromising. Dirt, sweat, and moisture can all lead to irritated skin, so make sure to let your armor dry after cleaning it before you put it back on.
  2. Wear an under-tunic
    Armor by itself is quite a bit of protection, but it is important to have some sort of barrier between your skin and the metal. I like to wear a long sleeve tunic under my armor, along with some sturdy pants. Make sure you are using breathable material, like cotton. The linen barrier can protect your skin from normal rubbing and chafing.
  3. Get the right fit
    Many of the plate mail models now a days come with additional straps to tighten or loosen the fit. Make sure you’ve set these correctly, so your armor fits right on your body. Your neck, arms, and wrists are especially at risk for rashes, so pay special attention to those.
  4. Use a lubricant
    Petroleum Jelly is a great way to prevent rusting on your plate mail, land it acts as a lubricant for your armor. Applying a little at each joint can allow your armor to move easier by reducing friction and preventing rashes.
  5. Take breaks
    This is a great practice even if you aren’t wearing chainmail. Listen to your body, and don’t push it too hard when it comes to long travels. It’s best practice to wear your plate mail for a maximum of 10 hours at a time. Longer than that can risk chafing and rashes.

I hope my tips help my young paladins on your journeys! Good luck, and check back in soon for more adventuring tips and tricks.

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