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So You Found Yourself a Genie Lamp? What now?

Genie lamps. Such a fantastically rare and sought after enchanted item. Often times Djinn will make their home in antique lamps, awaiting a new master they can bestow upon between 1 and 3 wishes (depends on the Djinn). Each lamp has it’s own rules as to what can and can’t be wished for, so you want to make sure to think it through thoroughly before deciding on what your wish might be.

Keep in mind, some Djinn may be more sadisitic in nature, twisting your wishes in a dark way you would never had intended. They like to do this so as not to give any mortal too much power. If everyone got exactly what they wished for with no repercussions then the world would be a much different place.

So how do you come up with a fool proof strategy to get everything you want, exactly how you want it? Well, I don’t like to brag, but I’ve encountered 3 different genie lamps in my travels, and each one ended well in my favor. I’ll let you in on some of my best practices for genie wishes so you can get everything you want out of your next Djinn encounter.


That’s right, the first and most important thing to do is write down your wish. Not just the single sentence either, write down everything you want this wish to accomplish. Try to consider any fall backs your wish could make on the world, and compensate for that. For example, if you wished for all the money in the world, that would cause the economy to instantly cripple. Not only that, but with all the currency in your possession, the markets may just pick a new form of currency rendering your coin purse useless.

Give yourself a handicap. Don’t let your genie pick it for you, so try to balance your wish as much as possible. In one of my genie encounters we had decided we wanted the ability to create candy that was magically addictive. This would allow us to successfully bribe anyone we wanted, and force people to come back for more. We added a handicap that the candy couldn’t force anyone to do anything, they just had a slightly addictive quality. But it would still provide an advantage in bribe attempts. We also made it so that we were the only ones who could create this specific candy, and nothing like it could ever exist unless we made it. We were able to make quite a bit of money from selling them in a bakery in a large adventuring village. It’s kind of funny, that’s actually how I met Twern.

Anywho, point is if you flesh out all the details there is nothing for the genie to misinterpret.

This next part is a little tricky, not all Djinn will agree to it, so if you happen to get one who refuses then just be very careful in your wording. Once you have all your wishes fleshed out on a piece of parchment, or multiple pieces of parchment, you can wish that everything that you wrote down on these papers become true. Some Djinn may agree to this only but reduce you to a single wish, others may flat out refuse. As long as you are confident that what you wrote will not harm anyone or cause any major world impact, then you shouldn’t have to worry about any strange effects the Djinn might add to your spell.

This trick has worked splendidly for me, it’s how I got three of my five best enchanted thieving equipment. Each of which can only be used by my hands and is unlike any in the realm.

I hope this advice helps you in your next genie encounter!

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Tags: Janix

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