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How to Get Potion Stains Out of a Robe

Before the spiritual revival that made me the cleric I am today, I was an alchemist. I had a small shop in the trading town outside the dwarven stronghold much of my family came from. It was quite popular, if I do say myself, since the area was a popular spot for adventurers. I have an arsenal of healing magic now, but I still like to brew potions to sell and distribute to my party in case we get separated or my spells get depleted.

When I first started learning how to brew potions, I made A LOT of mistakes, so I had to go through several sets of clothing when a mixture exploded on me or started burning through my sleeves. That’s why if you are going to brew potions you should be prepared to handle a variety of stains on your clothing. I’ve found several natural remedies to tackle stains, such as:

1. White Vinegar
2. Baking Soda
3. Rubbing Alcohol
4. Hydrogen Peroxide
5. Lemon

Each of these stain removers have their strengths and weaknesses, and some work better for certain stains. I’ll highlight each mixtures strengths below.

  1. White Vinegar
    Works on most stains, and when mixed with baking soda can create a powerful combination. Vinegar alone works especially well on fruit and vegetable juice stains. This includes fruits from the ethereal plane. Make sure to wash with soap and water afterwards. Be careful on using this around rubber or metal based clothing. The acidic properties could remove the finish on any decorative plate mail you try it on.
  2. Baking soda
    Alone, baking soda works quite well on surface stains. You want to mix it with water to create a paste first, and as it dries it will help lift the stain out of fabric. If you don’t mind the look of a stain as much as the smell, then you’ll want to use this. It helps neutralize odors, even those from boiled crows feet or newt eyes.
  3. Rubbing Alcohol
    If you’re adding a potent chemical to your potion mix, such as ink or colored waxes, you may want to keep a jar of rubbing alcohol around. It’s highly effective at removing chemical and dye stains from clothing. As with all chemicals, however, if you happen to stain your skin be very careful attempting to remove it. If rubbing alcohol fails you then seek out a remove stains scroll from your local wizard.
  4. Hydrogen Peroxide
    If you’ve just prepared frog legs or newt eyes and gotten some blood on your sleeves then Hydrogen Peroxide is the stain fighter for you. When mixed with baking soda it is highly effective at removing blood, urine, and even fecal stains.
  5. Lemon
    For many surface stains you can run a slice of lemon over top it. The acidic nature of the citrus helps dissolve many materials, helping save your favorite tunic if you use it fast enough.

I’m sure by now you’ve already ruined most of your wardrobe and thrown away what you thought you couldn’t save. If you are in need of new fantasy themed clothing, check out our stores clothing section here. Take your time, browse around. Don’t see something you like? Check back next month to see if we’ve posted any new items.

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