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How the Moons Phases Can Affect Your Dungeoning Party

Large moon hanging over a desolate landscape with a starry sky looming behind it.

Oh boy, let me tell you, when I first started my adventuring career, I had no clue about moon phases. I mean, who cares about the moon, right? But after years of exploring, I realized that the moon can make or break your whole mission. And let me tell you, there are some phases you really gotta keep an eye on – I’m talking about the full moon and the new moon.

Now, when you hear “full moon,” what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? Werewolves, baby! And yeah, you definitely wanna watch out for those furry dudes. But did you know that during a full moon, the tides are higher? So if you’re anywhere near the shore during your quest, you better be careful. You don’t wanna get stuck in a cave or dungeon during high tide. Plus, full moons are the brightest time of the month, so if you’re underground and your light source goes out, you can use the moonlight as an escape route. And let’s not forget – fighting above ground at night is a whole lot easier during a full moon.

Now, let’s talk about the new moon. This is when the moon is completely covered, and all the creepy crawlies that thrive in darkness come out to play. So, if your quest involves undead or vampires, you better watch your back. And make sure at least one of your party members has dark vision, or you’ll be stumbling around like a blind bat. If you’re fighting above ground and your light goes out, you could be in serious trouble.

And here’s a little tip – if you’re dealing with lycanthropes, be extra careful no matter what phase the moon is in. Unless you know exactly what breed of furry beast you’re up against, you never know when they’re gonna pounce.

So there you have it, folks – the moon is more than just a pretty glowing orb in the sky. It’s a crucial factor in any adventure, and if you don’t pay attention, it could be the death of you.

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