Mimic or Treasure? 3 Major Tells of Blood Thirsty Chests

You’ve been trudging through the dank and dangerous dungeon for what feels like an eternity. Your sword arm is weary from slicing through hordes of monsters, your fingers are sore from disarming deadly traps, and your brain is fried from inspecting every nook and cranny of every chamber you’ve stumbled upon. To top it off, the treasure haul has been underwhelming, to say the least. But then, like a beacon of hope in the darkness, you spot it – a treasure chest, gleaming in the magical sunlight. It’s an elegant piece of craftsmanship: edges lined with gold, smooth sanded wood, and a steady heartbeat… wait a second, did you just hear a heartbeat? And that’s when the chest springs open to reveal a set of razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue.

It’s a Mimic, that sneaky, shape-shifting fiend, and it’s about to make a meal out of you.

These devious monsters can hide anywhere and they love nothing more than snacking on unsuspecting adventurers. They disguise themselves as whatever object they think will draw the most attention, in hopes of luring their victims in close enough to swallow them whole. But, fear not, adventurer! There are ways to spot these sneaky buggers before they can gobble you up. Here are three tips I’ve picked up over the years to help me avoid becoming a Mimic’s lunch.

  1. Bait Rooms – Mimics are clever critters and they often choose spots that will draw attention to themselves. The irony is that this is a great way to know when to be cautious around a chest. If a chest is the only thing in the room, be wary. A normal chest will likely have some sort of monster guarding it, but Mimics are solitary creatures that don’t often team up. Since mimics will make a snack out of anything with a heartbeat, the other monsters in the dungeon know to avoid it.
  2. Hiding in plain sight – Mimics will often hide alone in order to make themselves more obvious and draw in their victims. But, I’ve seen them hide alongside other real chests before. If you see more than one chest together, perhaps in a treasure room, be careful when approaching. Are there any bones around the pile of treasure? What does the room smell like? These can be essential cues to tip you off to a trap.
  3. Everything needs to breathe – Mimics, like every other living creature, need to breathe. So, if you look closely at any Mimic, you’ll see it expand and contract slightly as it takes its breaths. This isn’t too obvious, but if the environment has you suspicious, you can use this knowledge to confirm your suspicions.

So next time you think you’ve struck gold after hours of dungeon delving, take a moment to look over the situation. It just might save your life. And your treasure. And your dignity. But mostly your life.

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