Barkeeps Have All The juicy Gossip

I like this gossip, bring me another!

The life of an Adventurer can be massively exciting, but one of the things I do not miss is all the traveling. To and from small boring towns, searching for work or chaos to tame.

At least, that’s what I thought early on in my career.

Word of advice: There is no such thing as a boring town. Trust me, there’s an adventure to be found anywhere, even the most uneventful of places. In fact, some of the best gear I have was found on quests I got from quiet villages. The trick is to know who to talk to.

I like to start at the pub, or most popular shop in town if you can find it. Places with alcohol seem to have the greatest success rate for me, since most villagers are a little guarded towards outsiders and the beer tends to loosen them up. Ideally, if you can get on the main barkeeps good side, you’re nearly guaranteed to learn all about the hot gossip going on.

A mysterious caster made their way into town weeks ago, and since then some strange happening have been going on? Betcha the barkeep knows before a job is even considered to be posted in the adventurers guild log.

The best part about asking around at the local tavern is most of the people you need to follow up with are in the same place, having a pint after a stressful day. After talking to the barkeep, just mosey over to the blacksmiths favorite table, where he’s already on his fifth ale. Get real buddy-buddy with him to find out what he knows about a mysterious hooded figure, maybe try to work in a discount at his shop if you’re as silver tongued as meself. You got no reason not to ask around.

Another great excuse to get the ol’ gossip train a moving, is that the quieter the town, the darker the secrets. Ya see, in my experience, the most messed up folks, with the truly cruel or evil deeds, seem to be mighty good at hiding their dirt. They like to portray a sense of normalcy, in order to fly under the radar. That act may work in the short term, but once you’re around a skunk for long enough, you start to smell something foul. That’s why, even in a quiet ordinary town, you’re bound to find someone who’s sniffer is picking up something.

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