Why You Should Never Split The Group

Dungeon with brick walls and floor with two possible routes to take

You’re on a perilous journey to the deepest levels of a cursed citadel with your trusted comrades when you reach a fork in the path. A couple of your party members insist on going left, convinced that is the right way. The rest of your party demands to go right, since they want to explore the entirety of the dungeon instead of taking the correct path. So you decide to split the party up, and go in different directions, planning to meet up later on in the dungeon.

You’ve just brought your parties chances of surviving your trials to near 0%.

The second you decide to split your party you are sealing your failed fate. A divided party encounters different trials, treasures, and dangers that would best be faced with all your comrades. What are you to do if one group with a lower perception entered a trapped room? Or if a team without lock picking tools finds a treasure room with several heavy locked chests? Keeping your team together ensures you have the best chances at success. Not only that, but when every member has a chance to search through the same room, each one of them seems to find a different piece of valuable information.

Dividing your party during a quest can also cause uncomfortable social situations. Since it’s unlikely not all party members may have the same alignment, there is bound to be situations when knowledge or even treasure is withheld from he rest of the team. This can lead to disastrous consequences once discovered, and could destroy your groups dynamic forever.

Be smart, stay with your group.

Safe dungeneering friends!

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