Charming A Werewolf : My Lychenthropy Love Story

It was late night, our party had stopped to make camp on our way to a ruin to retrieve an ancient talisman for a particularly shady shaman. The enchanted forest we had stopped in was lit by the full moon, allowing us to see fey of all shapes and sizes dance through dew kissed foilage. I had the first watch, and boy, what a watch that ended up being.

A few hours of keeping guard over my slumbering companions, I heard a howl in the distance. I clutched my rapier tightly to my chest as I snuck through the forest shadows. Just at the moment I was considering retreating back to our camp, I saw her. Jet black fur gently caressed by the soft moonlight. Bits of clothing were stuck to her fur, as if a great transformation had caused them to split open. I’m a smart halfling, you see, so I could tell based on the full moon and the bits of clothing still stuck to her fur that this was no ordinary animal. She was a werewolf. And what a werewolf she was. Her coat was so shiny and clean, muscles as wide as my head, and such razor sharp claws!

I was absolutely enthralled as she dug her fangs into the fresh deer carcass at her feet.




Suddenly, she popped her head up, twitching her hears. She slowly scanned the forest edge, until her eyes met mine. It was love at first site, for both of us. She began barreling toward me, and I knew in that moment exactly what I need to do.

I pulled out the rations I had in my pocket, and presented them in her direction, open palmed. I closed my eyes, accepting that if I were to be ripped apart her and now it would have been a good death.

Thankfully for me, she accepted my meal without hostility. She even let me pet her. I sat with her all night, even after my shift ended. I had to see her transform, I had to see the beauty hiding underneath all that fur. I talked to her, telling her tales of our grand exploits, and the various enchanted items I had found in our journeys. Eventually I fell asleep with her enormous form laying beside me, like a loyal puppy.
The morning sun woke me without haste, but when I did come too my lovely wolf woman was no where to be seen. It would have thought I dremt it, if it weren’t for the wolf fur all over my armor and the deer carcass in the distance.

I wobbled back to camp to be met by group of grumpy adventurers. Apparently while I was romancing the werewolf of my dreams, a group of kobolds snuck into our camp and stole most of our supplies.

I regret nothing.

It was worth it to spend one night with such a dazzling werewolf.

Now, each night I wander the enchanted forest edge, hoping my wolf woman remembers me, and finds me once more.

Or she could just be a random wolf.

Guess I’ll never really know will I?

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Tags: Janix

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