Top 3 Best Schools of Magic

Elderly wizard in a thick robe and heavy wizard hat practicing magic

At the start of your magical education, you may not be as familiar with all the schools of magic. As you train your abilities, your teacher may urge you to specialize in one or two schools, such a decision can define the rest of your adventuring career. Some establishments or wizards may teach a different set of schools, however normally they boil down to the following eight categories: abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, invocation, and necromancy. Each school has their own strength and weakness, but there are three schools I recommend every young wizard plan to train during their magical education.

  1. Conjuration
    Among all the schools of magic, conjuration is one of the most powerful. These spells focus on teleportation and the summoning of creatures and objects. Since wizards are, for the most part, limited in their casting ability and physical strength, relying on other stronger creatures is an invaluable skill. The more you train this ability, the stronger creatures and objects you may be able to summon, allowing for more flexibility when in battle.
  2. Invocation
    In the same way conjuration is powerful, invocation summons matter from nothing. These spells include a variety of attacks, both ranged and close combat such as magic missile or burning hands. These spells are great in a pinch, as they often hit their target and require little prep work.
  3. Necromancy
    Yes, necromancy isn’t as often used by wizards, however it is powerful non the less. With this school of magic, the castor can reanimate corpses and move around life energy. Depending on where you got your magic education from, you can even use spells from this school of magic to heal your allies.

Each school is powerful in their own way, but specializing in these three can make you a powerful wizard indeed. Make sure to train, work hard, and prepare your spells each day so you are ready for anything your adventure might throw at you.

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Tags: Gregoria

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