What made me never want a pet dragon

"Cute" baby dragon that fits in the palm of a woman's hand...it won't be cute for long.

Alright, so you think baby dragons are “cute” or that it’d be “so cool” to have a dragon of your own huh? Well, before you make the leap to getting a little dragon pet, let me tell ya a story from when I was a youngling.

Unlike most dwarves in our tribe, our family made it’s living off of growing livestock. Our home was just outside the entrance to the mountain dwarf village. When I was just a little dwarf, we had this one lamb, I called her missy. I loved Missy, and because of my affection my parents thought not to kill or sell her. We would spend our afternoons by the lake, playing in the water. She had the sweetest little bleet. I had fashioned a little pink bow that stayed around her neck, she wore it like a badge of honor, never attempting to remove it.

Well, one day, a fearsome red dragon made its way to our village’s entrance. This was a common problem since dragons tend to be attracted to gold, and our tribe was known for our wealth and metal working. Our village was built around a huge gold deposit, so we were never without gold coins. Since we didn’t live inside the mountains, we didn’t have to deal with the dragons too much, and our militia was often able to take quick care of the beasts. This one, however, had a couple smaller dragons trailing behind it. The dragons stayed behind, allowing what I assume to be its mother, to take care of the dwarven archers.

I had been on a selling trip, to one of the major trade cities about a two days from my home. When I had returned, one of these young beasts had already made it’s way to my families farm. It was friendly when I approached, far more friendly than I had expected. It’s large brown eyes looking up at me, as if it were pleading for its life. I had decided I wanted to keep it, so I went to ask my mother if we could take care of this little dragon. First, though, I wanted him to meet my best mate, missy, as they would be siblings if my facility decided to adopt him. I looked everywhere for missy, but couldn’t find her anywhere. That is, until the little winged bastard started coughing up some bones…with Missy’s bow tangled in with the bits. Upon the realization my little lamb friend was gone, I was stricken with such immense grief. I ran inside to grab my father’s axe and I struck the creature down.

I’ve never forgotten that day, and I still carry Missy’s bow with me everywhere I go as a reminder of the cruelty that those winged monsters can bring.

So, my advice, don’t get a pet dragon. They will eat your friends and family without hesitation, because they are wild horrific creatures only wanting to satiate their own appetite.

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