How to date a human

Two young lovers on a beach with flowers surrounding them

Ok, so the first thing you need to know is that humans, well, they tend to be quite a bit taller than us halflings. In fact, to them most of us might even look like human children. BUT the trick is using this to your advantage. See, human women often let their guard down around younglings, so you are able to get a word or two in before they realize you’re actually a 50 year old halfling looking for love. Most halfling women I meet will shut a guy down within seconds of trying to talk to them, but you get a little head-start with a human women. Use the few words you get to really show them your charm!

Now, as for the height differences, I’ve found that most women I attempt to court will overlook it if they first meet me on my loyal pony, asparna. She ads several feet to my height, so it’s easier to look into a lovely ladies eyes.

Finally, keep in mind that humans don’t eat as much as us halflings. They don’t normally partake in second breakfast, elevenses, or supper either. So make sure to plan any outings around this knowledge.

I sure hope my cross race dating advice helps you guys find love. Now, go and take what I’ve taught you to find yourself a special human someone. Good luck lads and lasses!

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Tags: Janix

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