So you want a familiar? 6 things you need to know before summoning your first familiar

Small wizard summoning a large harry creature with a beak

Summoning a familiar to join your cause is an age old tradition practiced by nearly every caster. Sometimes, however, it may not go as smoothly as your instructor may imply. There are countless potential problems that can arise through this process, and many environmental considerations a wizard or witch must consider when attempting to summon a specific animal. Over the years I have summoned a countless number of familiars to my side, and in that time I have developed methods to improve the summoning experience.

1.Keep a snack ready
Yes, keep a snack. Consider being in your familiars shoes. You’re a spirit that’s just been summoned, far away from your comfortable existence, to face a magical stranger. If that were you, wouldn’t you be put more at ease if this magical being had food to offer you? Having a snack ready upon your first encounter with your familiar gets you off on the right foot, and improves the chances of forming a meaningful bond with them.

2. Consider your environment
I’ve seen it so many times, a young wizard or witch attempt their first familiar summon and no animal appears. Don’t take it personally, it doesn’t mean you’re an untalented caster, it might just mean you aren’t in the right environment. Consider what form you want your familiar to take, and if that is compatible with the environment. Some spirits refuse to form as a cat near water, for instance.

3. Survival is a two way street
When you summon a familiar, you are imbuing part of your own life energy into this new being. That means you share in its power, but it also shares in yours. That means that when if dies, your health may be affected. Be careful not to put your familiar into any extremely dangerous circumstances, and keep it somewhere safe when in the heat of battle.

4. Not every familiar is the same
I had traveled with a young wizard who was under the impression that each time they summoned a new familiar, the same spirit was used. This is not the case. You cannot guarantee that your new familiar will be the same as the one you lost. Every new familiar has its own personality, intelligence, even appearance. So if you’re looking to resurrect you’re fallen familiar, don’t go through the steps of summoning a new one.

5. Please stop killing your familiars
So many young wizards and witches will destroy their familiar once they outlive their usefulness. You do not need to do this! As many experienced wizards know, you can temporarily send your familiar into a pocket dimension, or cast a dismissal spell when you no longer need them for a quest. You have to understand, these are not actually cats, weasels, imps, ect. These are magical beings with intelligence and wisdom. Killing them just because you don’t need them anymore is a travesty.

6. Don’t underestimate your familiar
Familiars act as more than just errand dogs or spies. They are to be considered your companion on your journey. Treat them with respect and they will honor you to the best of their capability.

Carry this advice with you as you attempt to summon your first familiar. I hope it helps guide you and make your next quest a success!

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Tags: Gregoria

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