Welcome To Our Shop!

Just a small glimpse of our wonderfully magical shop

After over a decade of adventures together, our fantastical adventuring group has decided to settle down to sell some of the treasures we’ve accumulated over the years. We are so grateful that you have decided to visit our humble shop, and if you find something that makes you smile or kindles a spark of creativity in your soul we have accomplished our goals.

Many of our members, some with centuries of experience, have decided to share their adventuring tips with our community. We can’t wait to share our experiences and tips with you!

Before we start posting our team’s tips for adventuring in this fantasy world, we’d like to provide a little bit of background on each of our members.

Gregoria The Wizard

Despite being born to a sorcerer mother, Gregoria was not blessed with magical powers. Her barbarian father urged her to take his path, seeing the complications and bureaucracy of the magical world as too much for his daughter. But watching her mother cast spells was mystifying to Gregoria. She knew from a very young age that all she wanted was to be as powerful as her mother some day. Our young witch studied hard until she was eventually accepted as an apprentice by her town’s wizard. Gregoria has been adventuring for over 200 years and in that time she has been considered the “chosen one” by 3 different civilizations, seen the rise, fall, and rebirth of the international department of magic, and has adventured with over 5 different parties.

Janix The Rogue

Some say halflings make the best rogues. In fact, this idea was embedded into the minds of most villagers in the town that Janix grew up in. A caste system formed, leading most halflings to pursue a life in the shadows. Janix was no exception. His abilities have faired him well, in fact throughout the time he has been apart of our adventuring party, we haven’t encountered a non magical lock that beats his master lockpicking skills. . His sneaking skills are masterful, and his technique with a rapier is deadly. Despite his impressive skills, however, Janix has gained a reputation for being a bit hot headed. In most instances he finds himself jumping into the heat of battle the moment an enemy reveals themselves.

Balamar The Paladin

From a young age Balamar knew he wanted to be an enforcer of justice. He trained relentlessly to make his dream of joining the kingsgurad a reality. At the young age of 15, he had already proven himself and become an essential part of the kingsguard. Upon joining, however, our young fighter discovered corruption and deceit among the organization. Appalled by the loose morals his comrades empoloyed, Balamar abandoned his long sought after position, to become a traveling paladin. It only took a couple years before his reputation for protecting the weak spread far and wide across the realm.

Twern The Cleric

Twern worshiped the old gods for most of his life, until a spiritual experience changed everything. He doesn’t talk much about it, but ever since that day he has devoted himself to a single deity that hasn’t been mentioned in any of the old texts. He doesn’t like to get his hands dirty, so for most encounters he utlizes ranged magic or hangs back to heal any member that gets injured. His specialties are potion brewing, alchemy, and animal whisperering. He’s constantly looking for interesting new ingredients and furry friends on our travels.

Some of our members don’t like to write as much, so you may not hear from all of them on a consistent basis. We are still building up our inventory, so please be patient with us. We are planning to open our shop soon, so check back again or sign up for our newsletter to get notified when we are officially open.

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